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INTERIOR DESIGN The interior design of apartments, homes, public buildings, offices, etc. is the process of creating a space that is comfortable to stay, practical to use and attractive. The interior design reflects the inner world of the owner, reflects the lifestyle and interests, and also gives an idea of the aesthetic taste.

In the modern world, there are many interior styles. The most commonly used styles are modern, classic, neoclassical, art nouveau, high-tech, and country style. All of them differ in philosophy, color scheme and texture of materials used.


Landscape design is a form of art that creates harmonious interrelationships between people and nature. Landscape design is the art of creating a natural, natural landscape, designed for a particular person or company.

Landscape design has a few basic principles, the most basic of which is the principle of unity. All elements of the landscape design should be in harmony with each other. It is achieved through the use of certain geometric shapes, colors, textures and forms. The landscape design should not be cluttered, so it is important to remember the balance of the composition.

The landscape design includes the following elements: vertical, horizontal, space and color. Vertical elements are the trees, bushes, fences, and buildings. Horizontal elements are paths, lawns, flower beds, etc. Space is the overall look of the landscape design. And last but not least is the color, which plays an important role in the mood, atmosphere and style of the landscape design.